Basic Transformations
Transformations that are common and more often than not give quick results without any delay.
The Blur image guide will help you to apply gaussian blur of a given blur radius in float. It includes Sigma and DPR.
Change DPI
The Change dpi tool is used to increase the printer resolution, and hereafter it increase the clarity and detail of an image on paper.
Change Format
The Change image format guide will help you to change the output image format. Changing the format will almost always change the output image's size.
The Compress an image guide will help you to delivers a smaller-sized image making your sites and apps load faster. A large quality number indicates a larger output image size with high quality.
The Extend an image guide will help you to extends/pads the edges of the image with the provided background colour. This operation will always occur after resizing and extraction, if any.
The Extract a region of the image guide will help you to remove a specified region of an image from top, left, height, and width. Extraction (cropping) of a certain part can be useful when the user doesn’t want to resize an image.
The Flatten an image of the image guide will help you to merge an alpha transparency channel, if any, with a background, then remove the alpha channel.
The Flip an image vertically guide will help you to flip the image about the vertical Y axis.
The Flip an image horizontally guide will help you to flip the image about the horizontal X-axis.
The Apply Greyscale guide will help you to convert to 8-bit greyscale; 256 shades of grey. This is a linear operation. If the input image is in a non-linear color space such as sRGB, use gamma with greyscale for the best results. By default, the output image will be web-friendly sRGB and contain three (identical) color channels.
The Use Levels adjustment on an image guide will help you to adjust all of your image tones and you can also make subtle color adjustments.
The Apply Median Filter guide will help you to apply Median Filter to an image in terms of size. The minimum value for the median value is 1 and the maximum filter for the median filter is 10. (3 is the default value of the median filter.)
The Merge two images guide will help you to add layers and merge images. You can overlay images or underlay and merge the images as per the user’s requirements. You can also add a background color instead of an image. The parameters will help to control how the second image is positioned on your base image, and how they blend. It includes mofifying the mode, image, background, height, width, top, left and gravity.
The Modulate an image guide will help you to adjust the brightness, saturation and hue through this transformation.
Produce the "negative" of an image guide will help you to create a negative version of an image.
The normalize an image guide will help you to enhance output image contrast by stretching its luminance to cover the full dynamic range.
The Resize an image guide will help you to resize your images by setting the width and/or height parameters, and also using different parameters like a fit, position, background, DPR, and algorithm.
The Rotate an image guide will help you to rotate the output image by an angle. When rotating by an angle other than a multiple of 90, the background color can be provided with the `background` option.
The Sharpen an image guide will help you to sharpen the image. This will improve the quality of an image.
The Tint an image guide will help you to change the color of your image. Tint the image using the provided chroma while preserving the image's luminance. An alpha channel may be present and will be unchanged by the operation.
The Trim an image guide will help you to cut off the edges of an image and trim it a little bit. The threshold number regulates the number of pixels to be cut down from all the edges of an image. This transformation helps in subtracting the borders of an image automatically.